Students shall have the right to have academic and disciplinary records kept confidential subject to existing regulations.
No official records shall be kept which reflect any alleged political activity or
belief of students.
No official records of the student shall be available to unauthorized persons within the institution or to any person outside the institution without the express consent of the student involved, except in cases where disclosure of records or their contents is required or allowed by law.
Names of Junior Members
For the purposes of the University, Junior Members shall be known only by the names on their entry certificates and same shall be on the Application Form and in the Register of Matriculation.
The name of the student shall be in the order of first name, middle name(s) and surname.
Change of Name
The Institutional Policy of GCTU does not permit or accept requests to change or amend names on students’ records. However, female students due to marriage, may be allowed to change their last name through swearing an affidavit and gazette of name.
The University can only change the last name on records of such female students if the gazette document is presented in an application to
the Registrar. No abbreviation of names is accepted.
The Academic Board determines when examinations take place and students are obliged to write examinations at the scheduled periods and designated examination halls.
Examination Rules
Candidates must read – and would be assumed to have read – the following rules which apply to all examinations conducted by the University:
(a) The examination will take place in lecture halls indicated on the Time-Table. It shall be the duty of the candidate to read the Time-Table to ascertain the date and venue of each paper.
It shall be the responsibility of a candidate to locate an examination venue and transport himself/herself to the venue. All candidates should arrive at Examination Centre(s) at least 30 minutes before the start of the examination.
(b) A candidate may be refused admission to an examination if:
i. S/he has not followed the approved course as a regular student over the required period;
ii. S/he owes fees to the University;
iii. S/he is under suspension or has been rusticated from the University;
iv. It shall be the candidate’s responsibility to provide for himself/herself the required writing materials (pen, pencils, eraser, etc.). It is also his/her responsibility to ensure that S/he is given the right question paper and other material(s) needed for the examination.
(c) An examination candidate shall not bring into the Examination Centre or to the washroom of the Examination Centre any book, paper or written information or other unauthorized material. Any candidate who is suspected of hiding any unauthorized material on him/her or at any place near the Exam Hall may be asked by the invigilator to submit that material to a search/check.
(d) A candidate who completes an examination ahead of time (not less than 30 minutes) may leave the Examination Centre after submitting his/her answer booklet(s), supplementary sheets, graph sheet and any other material to the invigilator. The candidate shall subsequently be allowed to leave the Examination Centre and shall not be allowed to return to the Examination Centre for the rest of the examination period of that paper.
(e) All candidates shall, for the purpose of identification by the invigilator, be asked to produce their ‘Identity Cards’ for inspection. All candidates are therefore required to carry their ID Cards to the examination halls.
(f) Candidates may leave the examination room temporarily but only with the express permission of the invigilator. In such cases, the invigilator will be required to certify that the candidate does not carry on him/her any unauthorized material. A candidate who is allowed to leave the examination room temporarily shall be accompanied by an attendant designated by the invigilator.
(g) Any candidate who fails to attend any part of an examination, except on medical grounds, shall be deemed to have failed that examination. The following shall not be accepted as reasons for being absent from any paper during an examination:
i. Misreading the Time-Table;
ii. Forgetting the date or time of the examination;
iii. Inability to locate the Examination Hall;
iv. Over-sleeping;
v. Failure to find transportation;
vi. Inclement weather;
vii. Family problems.
(h) Any irregular conduct on the part of a candidate may result in the cancellation of his/her examination paper, suspension, dismissal or expulsion from the University.
(i) Candidates must obey all instructions given by the invigilators.
(j) During examinations, candidates must listen carefully to instructions and inform an invigilator if they cannot hear what is being said or if they do not understand what is being said.
(k) Candidates must read all instructions on question papers before commencement of examination.
(l) Candidates should take note of the following rules before entry or whilst in the examination hall:
(i). It is a Candidate’s responsibility to check that S/he has been given the correct question paper. If there is any doubt, a candidate should inform an invigilator immediately;
(ii). Candidates should not tamper with the stapling of the answer booklets. Any complaints about the answer booklets should be brought to the attention of the invigilator;
(iii). There should be no verbal or written communication between candidates in the Examination Hall;
(iv). Taking mobile phones along to the examination hall is prohibited;
(v). Only general purpose calculators or non-programmable scientific calculators are permitted in the examination hall;
(vi). Candidates must clearly write their personal details on each answer booklet and on any supplementary sheet used. All items forming part of their work must be securely attached to the answer booklet (with the treasury tags provided) unless otherwise instructed by the invigilator;
(vii). Candidates must write the name of the subject lecturer, the correct course title and code on the answer booklet;
(viii). Candidates must write their answers legibly; examiners cannot mark what they cannot read;
(ix). Candidates must not tear out pages or parts of pages of answer booklets;
(x). Rough work and all calculations must be written in the answer booklets and should be crossed through if it does not form part of the answer to the question. Answers should be numbered clearly to indicate the question to which they refer. Candidates are not allowed to take answer papers out of the examination hall;
(xi). Candidates who need to take medication during an examination should inform the senior invigilator before the start of the exam;
(xii). No candidate may leave the examination room during the first 30 minutes or final 15 minutes of an examination except with the permission of an invigilator;
(xiii). Candidates who have handed their completed scripts to an invigilator and have left the examination room will not be re-admitted under any circumstances into exam halls;
(xiv). Candidates must stop work when instructed to do so by the senior invigilator. In the event of a fire alarm or other emergency situation requiring evacuation from the examination venue, the invigilators will tell candidates to leave all examination materials on the desks, leave the room in an orderly way and assemble at a designated point outside;
(xv). Candidates shall be required to deposit all valuable items to designated security posts on campus during examinations. The University shall not be responsible for the theft of any valuable items that are not sent to designated security posts.
Classification of Examination Malpractices/Offences
An examination malpractice or offence shall be defined as any attempt by a candidate to gain an unfair advantage during an examination. The following shall constitute an examination malpractice or offence:
(a) Physical possession of unauthorized materials likely to be used in the examinations;
(b) Copying from prepared notes in or out of the Examination Hall;
(c) Candidates found with notes on their body;
(d) ‘Giraffing’ or looking over one’s shoulders in order to cheat;
(e) Talking to another or other candidates;
(f) Tampering with answer booklets in an attempt to cheat;
(g) Impersonation;
(h) Disturbing or distracting other candidates during an examination (e.g.) whispering, possession and /or use of mobile phones, etc.;
(i) Writing after stoppage time has been announced;
(j) Exchange of question papers or answer booklets;
(k) Placing script (s) at a vantage point to enable a friend to copy;
(l) Challenging or struggling with the invigilator (s) in the examination hall over alleged examination malpractice;
(m)Destroying materials which could assist in investigations into examination malpractice;
(n) Unauthorized borrowing of rulers, calculators, erasers, etc.;(o) Failure to write a registration number or defacing answer booklets to hide registration numbers.
Sanctions for Examination Malpractice
The Chief Invigilator shall report any instance of a breach of examination regulation to the Head of Examinations of the Academic Affairs Directorate as soon as practicable. The Academic Disciplinary Committee at the hearing shall review all reports received in connection with an examination malpractice or offence and apply appropriate sanctions; Depending on the gravity of any of the offence(s) listed above, the Academic Disciplinary Committee shall discretionarily recommend one or a combination of the following sanctions:
(a) Warning letter;
(b) Signing a Bond of Good Behaviour;
(c) Cancellation of the paper(s) in which the malpractice occurred;
(d) One year suspension;
(e) Rustication/outright expulsion.
Checking Examination Results
It is the responsibility of the candidate to consult the University’s electronic portal for results of any examinations taken. In addition to this, the University shall inform students of the procedure for checking their results using a unique student’s ID and password.
Grade Request Appeal and Change Policy
Grades submitted by lecturers are generally considered permanent and final; but there are circumstances in which a change in grade may be requested. The change of grade regulation defines the process and criteria by which an assigned grade for academic courses may be modified.
A grade may only be changed as a result of a successful grade appeal or to correct clerical errors or miscalculation of grade(s).
The purpose of the Grade Appeal Policy is to provide the student with a safeguard against receiving an unfair final grade, while respecting the academic responsibility of the lecturer.
Policy on Re-marking of Examination Scripts
Candidates may apply for re-marking of their examination scripts within twenty-one (21) days of the publication of the end-of-semester examination results. The application should be sent to the Registrar and copied to the Faculty Examination Committee, Dean of Faculty and Head of Department respectively. The application letter to the Registrar must be accompanied by a receipt of the appropriate fee which shall be reviewed annually by the Academic Board.
It is important to note that application for re-marking can be effected only after the candidate concerned has reported officially to the Head of Department and Dean of Faculty .