Course Registration

For a student to obtain credit in any course, s/he must be admitted into the University and must be properly registered for that course during the official registration period at the beginning of each semester.

Before registering for a course, the student must meet the pre-requisites prescribed for that course.

Any addition to the courses for which a student is formally registered must be made with the consent of the Head of Department.

Such alterations must be effected within two weeks (14 days)
from the commencement of the registration period and on the prescribed form.

Transfer of Credits

A student enrolled at GCTU who wishes to take courses at another accredited institution of higher teaching and learning and desires to have those credits applied toward a degree at GCTU must seek the prior approval of the Registrar and appropriate University officials.

A student given such approval must ensure that an official transcript is submitted to the Registrar’s Office immediately upon the completion of the course(s).

GCTU accepts Degree students to transfer credits from other accredited Universities. In this case, a minimum of six (6) semesters is required for graduation and the classification of the Degree shall be based on the University courses taken.

Deferment of Study Programme

To defer a course means to suspend the entire programme for an agreed and approved period of time.

A First year student who has been accepted for admission at GCTU and wishes to defer his/her admission for a semester or year shall be required to pay the full fees for the semester or a year.

The student on meeting the financial obligations will be issued a deferment approval letter indicating the date on which to resume lectures.

A student who has accepted for admission at GCTU and wishes to defer his/her registration for a semester or a year, may request for deferment by writing to the Registrar through his/her Department and complete a Deferment Form as well.

A student who fails to defer his/her programme of study officially shall be deemed to have abandoned the programme.

Quality of Teaching and Learning

The University continuously strives to maintain the quality of instruction, improve students’ learning experience and promote quality education.

One key source of students’ feedback on the effectiveness of teaching and learning is through the evaluation of lecturers and courses taught.

The Quality Assurance Directorate is mandated to supervise this activity.

All students are encouraged to evaluate each lecturer and the courses registered and studied for the semester.

The exercise provides the platform for students to validate the courses registered and make suggestions for improvement before entry into Examination Week.

By doing so, students will be able to report any incidence of course duplications and other anomalies which often affect the
success of the uploading of examination scores/grades by lecturers.

Online Evaluation of Lecturer and Courses

During the last two weeks of lecture to the start of semester examinations, the questionnaire for the evaluation of lecturer and courses taught shall be activated online and students are expected to log into their Student Information Portal (SIP) to complete the questionnaire.

The exercise is for Quality Assurance purposes, hence the University expects that your honest and thoughtful evaluation would help achieve its goals.

Student feedback is anonymous; hence comments cannot be traced to any individual by the lecturer and not even the Quality Assurance Team.

The raw data is analysed by the online tools in real time and the statistical results generated for Faculty improvement. Completing the survey will NOT in
any way affect students’ course grade or attract any negative action from the lecturer.

Note: The procedures for the Online Lecturer and Courses Evaluation shall be communicated to students by the Quality Assurance and Promotions Directorate.