Examination Guidelines

A student who interrupts his/her studies for more than four (4) continuous semesters (2 years) shall be deemed to have lost all accumulated credits.

Consequently, his/her studentship shall be cancelled. Such a student may, however, be allowed to re-apply for admission into the University.

Pattern of Examination

Each course will be examined at the end of the semester for 60% of the total marks.

Continuous assessment based on class work including practicals, homework and tests will account for 40% of the total marks for the course.

The examination shall be conducted as prescribed by the Academic Board and executed/ implemented by the Examination Unit of the Academic Affairs Directorate.

Each course shall normally be examined by a written paper of 1-3 hours in addition to which there may be a practical paper and/or an oral examination.

Eligibility for Examination

All students must present themselves for the appropriate examination prescribed by the University as and when the Academic Board deems it necessary.

(a) A student shall attend all such lectures, tutorials, seminars and practicals and undertake all other assignments as approved by the University.

(b) A student who is absent for a cumulative period of 10 days from all lectures, tutorials, practicals and other activities prescribed for any course in any semester without approval shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the course and therefore shall not be permitted to sit for the semester examination.

(c) A student who does not fulfill the requirements for any course without approval from the Head of Department (HoD) shall not be allowed to take the examination for that course.

(d) Students who have been registered for specific courses shall be deemed to have registered to write examinations in such courses.

(e) A student shall not be admitted to examinations if he/she has not registered for that course, owes fees to the University, has been dismissed, or has been withdrawn or is under suspension from the University.

Probation and Dismissal

A student shall be considered to be on probation in any of the following situations:

(a) A 2nd and 3rd year student on trailing (Grade F) more than four courses at the end of the second semester examination;
(b) A 1st, 2nd and 3rd year student on obtaining a CGPA of 1.50 (50%) at the end of the second semester examination;
(c) A student on probation is required to improve his/her performance and be in good academic standing within two semesters, failing which s/he shall repeat the year.


A student shall be required to repeat the year/semester in any of the following situations:

(a) A 2nd and 3rd year student who obtains CGPA of less than 1.50 (Degree) or less than 1.50 (Diploma) at the end of second semester examination.

The student must take the cluster of courses in that year again. The credits obtained for the failed year shall be cancelled;

(b) A student who trails all registered courses as fail (F) in a semester in the case of Departments that offer up to six courses per semester;

(c) A student who trails more than six courses as Incomplete (I) at the end of first semester examination or a total of more than six courses as Incomplete (I) at the end of second semester examination;

(d) A student who qualifies to be placed on probation for the second successive time.

The student must take the cluster of courses in that year again. The credits obtained for the failed year shall be cancelled;

(e) A student on deferring his/her programme for one semester.

Grace Period

It is a maximum period of four semesters, immediately after the second semester examination, granted to final year students to correct their deficiencies in the following situations:

(a) A final year student who at the end of the second semester examination still trails any course(s);

(b) A final year student whose performance is such that s/he has to be put on probation for the second time in succession;

(c) A final year student whose GCPA/FCGPA is below 1.50 (Degree) or 1.50 (Diploma) and has to take any course(s) to make up the grade for the award of a degree or diploma.

Withdrawals from the University

A student shall be withdrawn from the University in any of the following situations:

(a) A 1st year student upon trailing more than four courses at the end of the First semester examination or a total of more than four courses at the end of the second semester examination;

(b) A 1 st year student on obtaining a CGPA of 1.50 (Degree) or 1.50 (Diploma) at the end of the second semester examination;

(c) A 2nd or 3rd year student whose performance is such that s/he has to repeat for the second time in the programme;

(d) A repeated student failing to obtain a CGPA/FCGPA of 1.50 (Degree) or 1.50 (Diploma) or above;

(e) Any student upon absenting himself/herself from all courses for a semester examination without permission shall be deemed to have abandoned the programme.

Students wishing to withdraw completely from the University should contact the Registrar’s Office through his/her Department as soon as possible. The Registrar should be advised on the expected date of re-enrolment.

To withdraw from the University, a student must initiate the action sequentially as follows:

(a) Obtain a Withdrawal Form from the Registrar’s Office;

(b) Complete, sign, and date the form;

(c) Submit the Withdrawal Form to the Head of Department and for onward approval by the Faculty Dean;

(d) Submit the Withdrawal Form to Student Affairs Office for signature;

(e) Submit the Withdrawal Form to Finance Office for signature;

(f) Submit the signed Withdrawal Form back to the Registrar.

If the Withdrawal Form is not properly completed and signed by the Registrar’s Office, a refund will not be processed. Kindly notify all loan agencies, or other appropriate agencies of the change of status as student.

The Finance Office will receive a copy of the approved withdrawal form and a credit to student’s account will be made on a pro-rata basis. If the student has made full or partial payment on his/her tuition/fees and desires a refund, the student must notify the Finance office in person and furnish a mailing address, if necessary.