The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs unit is responsible for the welfare and discipline of students in the university. The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs (ODSA) shall be responsible for:
(a) Counselling and placement of students;
(b) Provision of chaplaincy services through the Chaplaincy Board to students and other members of the University;
(c) Resolution of conflict between students and halls and hostels of residence as well as conflicts involving students outside of halls and hostels;
(d) Making representations to the University about ways of enhancing the quality of students’ life;
(e) Ensuring the maintenance of cordial relations among the various student groups and the student body as a whole, to ensure that they obtain maximum benefit from their university experience;
(f) Ensuring the orderly organisation of student activities within the university;
(g) Providing leadership to all bodies and activities that promote the well-being of students of the University including the Students’ Representative Council (SRC), the GCTU branch of the Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG), and the Counselling Unit;
(h) Overseeing the management of dues and other levies collected by the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and the GCTU branch of Graduate Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) from students or on behalf of students;
(i) Overseeing the formation of students associations;
(j) Working with student groups and the Sports Unit in developing extra-curricular programmes and activities of the university;
(k) Coordinating with university groups and associations to encourage the participation of students in the activities that promote personal growth and development of students;
(l) Encouraging the development of a student culture that encourages exercise of leadership,
respect for diversity and the traditions of the University, and responsibility for personal actions;
(m)Ensuring that any disciplinary actions imposed on any student(s) by the recognized authority of the University are complied with; and
(n) Giving permission to students to go on protest marches and demonstrations whether within or outside the University.
Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures
GCTU seeks to maintain an academic environment of mutual respect among its members. In this regard, all forms of unacceptable behavior including; violence, assault, intimidation, drug abuse, indecent exposure, sexual abuse and harassment are prohibited. Any form of discrimination based on, colour, race, religion, gender, nationality and disability which undermines the basis for such respect and violates the sense of community vital for academic work are frowned upon by the University. The policies specified below are intended to guide the conduct of students of the University. Ignorance of regulations or of any public notice shall not be accepted as an excuse for any breach of discipline. Accordingly, every student shall upon enrolment, be required to access the Student Handbook.
Dress Code
Students are reminded that an important aspect of their training at GCTU is to prepare them for their professional careers. Since an important aspect of a professional image has to do with one’s appearance, a dress code has been drawn up to provide parameters within which each student is free to express individual tastes. Specifically, indecent exposure and slippers are not allowed at lecture halls and formal events. Students should be modest in their choice of attire, not limited to professional wear, hair should be well kept, and personal hygiene must be maintained at all times.
Students are also expected to wear academic gowns or ceremonial wears on occasions to be specified by the Registrar.
Drug Abuse
GCTU has established and maintained an academic environment that promotes safe and healthy conditions for student’s life. The University believes that every student has the right to study in an environment free from the effects of substance abuse. Individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs are
a danger to themselves and to others. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol or a controlled substance in the University community are prohibited.
In addition to being subject to criminal prosecution, violation of this policy will subject a student to disciplinary sanctions including suspension or expulsion.
Sexual Misconduct
GCTU reaffirms the principle that its students, faculty and staff have a right to be free from sexual harassment. Harassment in any form including sexual harassment by or towards any member of the academic community will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment in any situation is reprehensible. The definition of sexual harassment and offenses include, but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature under the following circumstances:
(a) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly regarding a student’s status in a course, programme or activity;
(b) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a student is used as the basis for academic decisions affecting the student;
(c) Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance or of creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment; and
(d) Enticing Faculty and staff to gain academic and / or personal favours.
The University prohibits sexual harassment in accordance with University policy and applicable national laws. All members of the student body, faculty and staff are expected to strictly adhere to this policy.
The university will respond promptly to complaints of sexual harassment and offences, and appropriate sanctions meted to the offenders. In all cases, the University authorities must be notified of any such offenses.
Disciplinary action for sexual harassment may include one or any combination of the following: letter of warning, probation, suspension, dismissal, and/or criminal prosecution. Any student who believes he or she has been or is being sexually harassed should report this concern to any of the following individuals:
(a) Dean of the Faculty in which he or she is enrolled; or
(b) Dean of Student Affairs; or
(c) Counselor.
A copy of the procedures for handling complaints of sexual harassment is available in the office of each of these administrators.
The scholarly, educational or artistic content of any written, oral or other presentation or inquiry shall not be limited by this policy. It is the intent of this paragraph that all members of the academic community be allowed academic freedom. Accordingly, this provision shall be liberally construed, but shall not be used as a pretext for violation of the sexual harassment policy.
Staff/Student Relationships
A staff by this policy, means employees of the University, academic and non-academic. Sexual or romantic relationships between students and staff of GCTU are unacceptable because they interfere with the educational goals of the University and threaten the climate of trust, concern, and respect to which GCTU is committed. Students and staff of the University are expected to maintain professional and non-sexual relations. Students and staff found to be engaging in sexual or romantic relationships will be severely sanctioned by the University.
Disruptive Behaviour
Disruptive behaviour by students, within the university community, will not be tolerated. If there is a complaint about a student or group of students either within or outside the lecture room environment, it should be reported to the Head of Department/ Office of Student Affairs respectively. At all times, respect should be shown to lecturers and to fellow classmates. If there is
a complaint about a Lecturer/ Instructors, it should be reported to the Head of Department.
Theft/Damage to University Property
Theft or intentional damage to University property is viewed as a very serious offence. Offenders will be required to pay for the repair or replacement of the stolen or damaged property in addition to any disciplinary sanctions that may be prescribed by the Disciplinary Committee of the University.
Disciplinary Actions
GCTU has a Student Disciplinary Committee with a student representative which investigates all student misconduct and prescribes appropriate sanctions. Degrees of disciplinary action in the University include: reprimand, probation, suspension, and expulsion.
Disciplinary Procedure
A student who violates or is alleged to have violated rules and regulations of the university will go through the following process before a decision is made:
Pre-Hearing Stage
The student will be invited to appear before the disciplinary committee at a date and time to be communicated to the student. Details of the charges will be set out in the letter of invitation.
Hearing Stage
(a) The student will appear before the committee and answer questions from the committee. Questions will be related to the particular offence in question and any other issue that the committee may deem fit.
(b) The committee will conclude based on evidence before it and submit its report to Management of the University for consideration and final action.
(c) The outcome of the process will be communicated to the student in writing.
(d) A student appearing before the disciplinary committee may have right to a counsel if need be.
Post -Hearing Stage
(a) An aggrieved student who is dissatisfied with the outcome of this process has the right to appeal the decision of the university. The appeal should be addressed to the Registrar.
(b) Notwithstanding the above, a student may contest the decision of the university in a court of competent jurisdiction ONLY after fully exhausting all the processes above.
Students should note that the committee will decide on the case after two (2) unsuccessful attempts to get the student to appear before it.
Organising Public Functions Within/ Outside the University
Recognized Student groups that wish to organize any public function within or outside the University must obtain prior permission from the Dean of Student Affairs at least ten (10) working days before the function takes place. Names and description of lecturers, speakers, or performers at the function should also be communicated to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Use of Facilities
Student groups who wish to use GCTU facilities must seek approval through the Office of Student Affairs.
Processions and Demonstrations
GCTU does not encourage any demonstrations, strikes or any such acts whatsoever. For their reason, the Student Affairs Unit is always open to hold regular meetings with the students as often as possible. These meetings aim to address all issues to avoid potentially explosive situations.
However, if students still want to embark on demonstration, approval must be sort from the Dean of Student Affairs before embarking on the said demonstration.
The Dean of Student Affairs will be informed of any intention to produce a student publication within the university and approval in writing shall be obtained for such a publication.
Internal and external fund raising
Permission to solicit for money other than for club subscriptions must be obtained from the Dean of Student Affairs
Student Support Services
GCTU strives to offer students academic, vocational, emotional, and disability support. The University provides students with learning opportunities that develop skills and competencies that enrich students’ educational experiences and assists them as they strive to achieve academic
The following are key areas in which the University, through the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs (ODSA) provides support to students:
Student Requests
Students (past or continuing) requests are processed on behalf of the Registrar by the relevant offices indicated as follows:
Request Procedures
Students can request for the above service(s) at an administrative charge as follows:
a. Obtain and complete Request Form or appropriate form from your department or faculty;
b. Proceed to pay the applicable fee at the bank and present the deposit slip at the Account Office;
c. Return the completed Request Form with receipt and copy your department or faculty for onward delivery to the relevant offices for processing;
d. Collect the documents within 5 working days (if not express) by showing an appropriate ID.
1. In cases where local or foreign institutions request for documents regarding students or
former students, the University shall provide the necessary information to such institutions.
2. Students requesting for deferment (programme/admission), resumption, change of session, transfer of programme and change of programme are required write a letter addressed to the Registrar in addition to filling of relevant forms for approval or otherwise.
Student Housing
GCTU provides hostel facilities to students who may require accommodation. Hostel rooms are allocated on first come, first served basis. Students who require hostel accommodation should contact the Student Affairs Office for assistance. Mindful of the challenges international students face when they arrive in Ghana to study, and of the need to address these challenges, the University gives priority to international students in the allocation of student housing. This request should be made not more than five (5) working days
after receipt of their admission letter.
Food Services on Campus
There are food vendors in and around the campuses where students can buy food.
Health Services
GCTU believes in the direct relationship between good health and academic excellence. In this regard, the University has a well stocked Infirmary operated by GTI Health Care with 16 hour service facilities for all students. Emergency cases are referred to recognized hospitals/medical centers for treatment.
All students are required to register with the National Health Insurance Scheme and have the card in their possession at all times. As part of the admission process, students are required to undergo a medical examination which is arranged by the school.
Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Students are encouraged to contact the Student Affairs Office for referral regarding all counseling needs. Students are eligible to receive counseling services at no charge. Group counseling is offered on pertinent issues to all students. All counseling records are confidential.
Identification Cards (ID)
All admitted students are issued ID cards which they must carry at all times on campus. Students are required to present their ID cards when requested by an official of the University. The ODSA works with the Information Communication Technology Directorate (ICTD) to ensure that students
are issued their ID cards. Lost ID cards are also replaced at a fee.
Career Counseling
The Student Affairs unit runs Career Counseling periodically to expose students to the range of career options in their chosen fields of study.
Internships and Job Placement
The Office of Students Affairs with the support of Industrial Liaison Office may assist students for internship and job placement through its annual Career Information shop. The office also assists students to write marketable Curriculum Vitae (CV) and with preparation for job placements.
Study Abroad
Studying abroad is an important aspect of gaining a degree at Ghana Communication Technology University and something that is valued highly. Whether you will be studying or working in Ghana or beyond, your study abroad period will be a positive addition to your CV. This is an opportunity
to see more of the world, to become a global citizen, and to gain a new perspective on issues, skills and experience.
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) works with students to ensure the success of the programme. For transnational education of the OIA, refer to the Transnational Education Policy of the University.
Correspondence Service
This service disseminates general information to students from a database. Students are required to contact the Information Communication Technology Directorate (ICTD) to have their e-mail accounts activated.
Campus Employment
GCTU may provide on-campus employment to students during the semester and long vacation periods. In order not to interfere with their studies, students are permitted to work up to a maximum of twenty (20) hours per week during the semester period and forty (40) hours during vacation periods.
Student Loan Trust Fund Office
GCTU management has provided an office for Staff of the Student Loan Trust Fund. This is to give our students easy access to information and to fast track their application process.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
The SRC exists to serve as a medium of expression between students and the University Administration. The constitution of the SRC and all group constitutions are subject to the University Handbook, Policies, Statutes and the Constitution of Ghana. All activities of groups must be channeled through the SRC to student Affairs subject to the approval of Dean/Student Affairs.
Student Groups
The Office of Dean of Students’ Affairs (ODSA) encourages students to organize and participate in group activities intended to promote leadership training, social growth, and community service as well as encourage continuous education. Students who intend forming a group should propose
through the SRC to the Student Affairs Office for consideration.
Invitation of External Visitors
Students are encourage to engage external stakeholders but must do so with prior information and approval from the Dean of Students’ office.
Registration of Clubs with the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs
In as much as the University recognises freedom of association, all clubs must be registered with the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. The following points outline the university’s stance on student organisations:
(a) GCTU actively encourages students to initiate and partake in collective activities aimed at fostering leadership development, social enhancement, community service, and a commitment to continuous education;
(b) While respecting students’ freedom of association, the university ensures that such freedom is exercised in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others;
(c) The university supports student organisations and clubs, acknowledging student leadership as a vital link between students and the administrative management;
(d) In this document, the terms association, club, and groups are used interchangeably to refer to student organisations;
(e) No student association is allowed to be formed or operated within the university without the explicit written approval of the Dean of Student Affairs;
(f) For a student association to be recognized, it must consist of a minimum of 20 registered GCTU students and be acknowledged by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs as a group pursuing common interests that contribute to the objectives of the University.
Soliciting for Funds
Soliciting for funds on campus in any form by an individual student or group of students is not allowed. However, student groups may raise funds for projects subject to approval from the ODSA. Documents for external sponsorships should be made available to the Office.
Change in Contact Details:
Students are required to notify the ODSA about any changes in their contact details.
Notices and Publications
Student(s) may post on designated notice boards or distribute material on campus only with the permission of the ODSA.
Student Welfare
Shall liaise with Deans of other departments, heads etc. in all other matters affecting the welfare of students.
Student Support and Financial Services
Attend to financial needs of students through scholarships and exchange programs and assist students secure Loans.