A library system in any academic institution is to facilitate scholarship, research and development based on the utilization of knowledge. The library system is an integral part of the educational process. The library is a very essential component of the intellectual life of the university.
Finally, the library is the ‘heart’ of the learning community, providing a place for students and faculty to do their research and advance their knowledge.
The GCTU Library offers the following services
(a) Reference
(b) Circulation
(c) Reprographic
Reference Services
Ask a librarian:
(a) For any information about the processes in the library;
(b) How to locate needed materials; and
(c) How to do research for any kind of assignment.
Circulation Services
Circulation is the process of lending and/or borrowing of library materials, their return, recall, renewals, reservations and related activities.
Reprographic Services
The library also undertakes reprographic services for students at a reduced cost.
(a) For a patron/user to qualify to borrow materials, S/he must be registered and have a valid GCTU ID card.
(b) Materials cannot be checked out until a GCTU card is issued.
(c) Patrons other than GCTU students and staff will not be allowed to borrow materials, they may however use the library for reference services only.
(d) All patrons are expected to bring their cards with them if they intend to check out items. An individual who ignores this expectation will be denied the privilege of checking out materials until S/he presents his/her card at the library.
Loan Periods
(a) A student may borrow a maximum of two books at a time for two weeks.
(b) Generally, reference books do not circulate. Upon special arrangement, some reference materials may be checked out overnight.
(c) Books may be renewed once if there is not a waiting list for the title.
(d) Periodicals do not circulate.
(e) One week for cassettes, audio books, and compact discs.
The librarian may establish the loan period for special collections or materials which are temporarily in great demand.
Renewal requests are accepted for most books on the open shelves
(a) Renewals are granted unless the item has been recalled, is needed for reserves or has not been requested by another reader.
(b) Overdue materials are not renewable.
(c) Length of renewal depends upon the status of the borrower and type of material.
(d) This period is the same as the charge out date.
All library materials are subject to recall
(a) After two weeks for faculty members
(b) One week for students.
(c) Materials needed for course reserves may be recalled at any time.
(d) Failure to return a recalled item will result in a:
i. minimum fine of GH¢5.00 per day per book for the first week then GH¢2.00 per day per book after the first week
ii. suspension of borrowing privileges
Materials on reserve are those purposefully separated from the general collection:
(a) At the request of a lecturer
(b) Because the copies of the particular title are few in number and/or
(c) Titles that are crucial to courses offered but are out of print
Reserve materials just like reference materials do not circulate, they are signed for, used in the library and returned to library staff after use.
Fines and Charges
Borrowers will be fined for not returning borrowed materials on the due dates.
(a) Fines are as stated on the table below
(b) Fines are subject to upward review anytime necessary.
In addition to a fine, failure to respond to requests for the return of overdue materials will lead to suspension of library borrowing privileges for a period determined by the library committee.
Journals/Magazines do not circulate and therefore are not to be taken out of the library.
Damaged or Lost Materials
(a) Lost material should be promptly reported to the Circulation Desk.
(b) Borrowers losing or failing to return material, or returning material in damaged condition are subject to the following charges:
i. A charge for a replacement copy and processing;
ii. A clean copy of the same edition of the lost book may be accepted in lieu of the replacement cost, but the borrower will still be subject to the cost of processing;
iii. If materials are damaged so as to be judged by the library as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron/user must pay the replacement cost and a processing fee.
A notice of these charges will be sent to the borrower.
Reference Service
The GCTU Library:
(a) Provides information in the form of short answers to specific questions and guidance in locating material for patrons who appear in person, call on the telephone, or request information through correspondence.
(b) Assists patrons in the use of the Library and teaches basic research methodology, when appropriate (this includes providing help in developing a research strategy and advice on whether a trip to the Library would be worthwhile for individuals who telephone).
(c) provides bibliographic verification of items both in the Library and ones not owned by the Library and will assist patrons in obtaining materials through interlibrary loans, when appropriate.
(d) may refer library users to other agencies and libraries in pursuit of needed information.
Basic Library Rules
(a) Bags and other personal belongings as determined by library security are to be left at the security check point on entering the library.
(b) Patrons are not to shelve books. All used materials should be left on the tables for the library staff to shelve.
(c) Smoking is not permitted in the Library,
(d) Food or drink is not to be brought into the Library or consumed there, except bottled water,
(e) Due to the limited study space in the library, study space cannot be reserved.
(f) Books and personal belongings left unattended to be done at the risk of the owner.
Theft and/or Attempted Theft, Misappropriation of Library Materials
The University considers theft, misappropriation, mutilation, or tampering with library materials, equipment or property by any user to be a serious offence.
Theft and /or attempted theft, misappropriation or mutilation of library materials include:
(a) Unauthorized removal of materials from the library;
(b) Falsification of circulation records by willful use of a wrong ID card;
(c) Deliberate misplacement of library material;
(d) The mutilation of books, journals or other library materials;
(e) Tampering with library data files or computer programmes.
Removal of any material from the Library must therefore be properly authorized. All readers leaving the Library must show at the exit point all books, periodicals, and other library material in their possession and may be required to open for inspection any receptacle carried out of the
The Internet is a decentralized, un-moderated global network; the GCTU Library has no control over the content found there. The library will not censor access to material nor protect users from offensive information, and it is not responsible for the availability and accuracy of information found on the Internet.
The library cannot assure that data or files downloaded by users are virus-free. The library is not responsible for damages to equipment or data on a user’s personal computer from the use of data downloaded from the library’s Internet service.
The use of the Internet and e-mail is not guaranteed to be private. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
(a) Users may use the Internet for research and the acquisition of information to address their educational, vocational, cultural, and recreational needs
(b) Users may use the Internet for the receipt and transmission of electronic mail (e-mail) as long as they use a free e-mail service which will establish and maintain an account for them; the library is unable to manage e-mail accounts for any organizations or individuals
(c) Internet use is offered in one (1) hour sessions on a first-come, first-served basis; each user is allowed one session–if there is no patron waiting for the service at the end of a session, the user can have another session, but once having had the service for one hour the user must suspend use of the Internet if another patron requests use of the service
(d) Users will respect and uphold copyright laws and all other applicable laws and regulations; they will not use it for illegal purposes
(e) Users will respect the rights and privacy of others by not accessing private files
(f) Users agree not to incur any costs for the library through their use of the Internet service
(g) Users shall not create and/or distribute computer viruses over the Internet
(h) Users shall not deliberately or willfully cause damage to computer equipment, programs, or parameters
Commiters of any of these offences will be:
(a) Liable to suspension of the privilege of access to library facilities;
(b) Legal action and/or other penalties sanctioned by the Library Committee
(c) Additional sanctions include:
i. Publishing the offence with the picture of the student involved; and
ii. Pasting the publication on all notice boards in the University as well as within the library premises.
General Rules and Regulations for Everyday Use of the Library
The use of the library is conditional on observance of the following rules and regulations:
(a) Users must comply with these and with any reasonable request or instruction issued by library staff. Any one failing to do so may be excluded from the library. The librarian reserves the right to refer any breaches of the rules and regulations or improper behaviour towards library staff for consideration within the terms of the appropriate university disciplinary procedures;
(b) Access to the university library is restricted to staff and students of the university who are in possession of a current valid identification card issued by the university college and to such other persons as may be authorized by the Librarian;
(c) The library shall not be used as a substitute for an office or business activity. Users must produce university ID cards to use the library;
(d) Silence is to be strictly observed. Users shall not harass or annoy others through noisy or distractive activities;
(e) Discussions, noise-making, sleeping and loitering are not allowed in the library;
(f) Smoking and the consumption of food and drink (with the exception of bottled water) are not allowed in the library;
(g) The University Librarian has the right to suspend anyone who does not follow the library rules. Library computers are provided for course– related resources;
(h) Time limits apply on library computers and will be enforced;
(i) Users must not prepare, store, display or transmit pornographic or offensive material, print or distribute slanderous, libelous or knowingly untruthful information or material of an illegal nature;
(j) Deliberately or negligently interfering with the operation or performance of computers by physically damaging or adjusting the equipment is prohibited;
(k) The deletion, addition or modification of files relevant to the system’s operation, including the introduction of viruses or other software components, is also prohibited. Disciplinary procedures shall be taken against anyone caught in these acts;
(l) The librarian has the right to sanction any user who plays games, chats, views entertainment, pornography, etc. on the internet;
(m) Computers are not for commercial use and the internet is for academic enquiries only;
(n) Visiting pornographic sites on the internet is an offence in Ghana Communication Technology University
(o) Cell phone ringers should be kept on silent mode, and calls must be received outside;
(p) Users should declare their laptops and other valuables at the security check point before proceeding to use the library. Users who leave their laptops etc. unattended to in the library do so at their own risk;
(q) Photography, filming, video-taping and audio-taping is not allowed without the prior permission of the Librarian;
(r) Users must not deface, mark or underline books or journals, or must not tear pages from, or otherwise damage, steal books, journals or other library materials;
(s) Fines are charged on overdue items. Users are responsible for materials borrowed on their cards and will be required to pay for any damage to, or loss of, material borrowed at replacement cost, plus an administrative charge;
(t) The award of a university qualification shall be deferred until all books have been returned and outstanding fines/charges paid;
(u) The library reserves the right to check bags, , folders, and any other other belongings of users and to conduct body searches as well. By entering the library, one is consenting to the examination or check;
(v) Patrons are not to shelve books. All used materials should be left on the tables for the library staff to shelve;
(w)Laptops should not be left unattended to in the library or in the care of the security. Anybody who does so, does it at his/her own risk. The library staff are not responsible for the safety of patrons’ personal items;
(x) Declare the content of your bags and belongings to the security before leaving it with him;
(y) Do not tag your own bag. It is the duty of the security to do it for you so please demand it. Without the second pair of the tag you cannot get your bag back;
(z) Do not go for your bag of your own accord when you want to leave the library. Please wait for the security to give it back to you.
Library Working Hours
The working hours in the library are as follows:
Mondays – Fridays: 8:30am – 8:00pm
Saturdays: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Channel of Complaints
(a) Users with complains about other users can talk to any of the library assistants.
(b) On the other hand if the complaint is about any of the assistants, or about the nonfunctioning of any of the library systems and services, it should be made to the librarian.
Exiting Policy
All students are required to clear their library accounts with the librarian before graduating from or leaving the University.