Course Penalty

A student may withdraw from a course for which s/he has registered without incurring the penalty of grade ‘F’ provided such withdrawal is effected within fourteen (14) days of registration.

Permission to withdraw must be sought by completing a Withdrawal Form, countersigned by the Head of Department.

Unauthorized withdrawal will earn an ‘F’ grade.
Withdrawals from courses are not approved after the withdrawal deadline except when involuntary (for such reasons as medical incapacity) as judged by the Dean in consultation with the Head of Department.

All grades are entered on transcript as “W.”

Non-Completion of Course

If for valid reasons (e.g. on health grounds supported by medical report), a student is unable to complete all the prescribed requirements for a course in which s/he is formally registered, s/he may on the recommendation of the Department, be awarded an Incomplete Grade.

The following circumstances do not qualify a student to earn an incomplete grade:

(a) Failure to earn grade due to non-payment of fees
(b) Absence from examination without permission
(c) Travelling out of the country without prior permission
(d) Failure to take examination(s) except on medical grounds (with supporting documents)

Repetition of Courses

A student may repeat only those courses in which s/he has obtained a grade F. The grade earned for a repeated course will be recorded and used in the computation of the Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) accordingly.