A Junior Member is any person or student enrolled onto or admitted into any of the programmes of Ghana Communication Technology University whether being day, evening or weekend sessions.
Becoming a Junior Member of the GCTU community is an honor and a privilege that carries with it prestige and respect.
The University affords Junior Members a number of rights that are fundamental in our shared community. But along with these privileges and rights, Junior Members are required to meet and uphold the GCTU community standards.
Remaining a member of the GCTU community requires a student to continuously comply with policies governing students’ academic progress, social interactions and personal behavior as stated in this manual and on other GCTU published documents.
Junior Members/Students’ Rights
The right to privacy of a student in his or her study or lodging space.
The student has freedom of research, of legitimate lecture room discussion and of the advocacy of alternative opinions to those presented in the lecture room.
The student will be evaluated on knowledge and academic performance for purposes of granting academic credit and not on the basis of personal or political beliefs.
The faculty-student relationship within the lecture room is confidential, and disclosures of a student’s personal or political beliefs expressed in connection with course work will not be made public without the explicit permission of the student.
It is understood that the teacher may undertake the usual evaluation of knowledge and academic performance.
Students’ records may be released to persons outside the University only on request of the student or through compliance with applicable laws and policies.
Information on rules, rates and regulations deriving from contractual agreements with the University will be made available to students on request. Students will be free from censorship in the publication and dissemination of their views, as long as these are not represented as the views of GCTU and do not violate any University policies.
Such publications are free from any official action controlling editorial policy.
Publications shall not bear the name of the University or purport to issue from it, without the University’s approval.
Students are free to use campus facilities for meetings of registered student groups, subject to the applicable policies of the University.
Students will have their views and welfare considered in the formulation and formation of University policy and will be consulted by or represented on University committees that affect students as members of the University community.
Students will be exempted from disciplinary action or dismissal from the University except for academic failure, failure to pay a University debt, or violation of a student or University policy. Policies shall be fully and clearly communicated in advance of the alleged violation.
The University has no authority over a student when outside University premises, except where the student is representing the University on approved programmes.
The University shall not be liable for the actions and inactions of a student outside the university premises.
A student is free to be present on campus and to attend classes pending the outcome of criminal or civil charges, except for reasons relating to his or her physical or emotional safety and well-being or for reasons relating to the safety and well-being of students, or University property.
It is recognized that every member of the community has the responsibility to conduct himself or herself in a manner that does not violate the rights and freedoms of others, and has the responsibility to recognize the principles within this statement of policy.
A student cannot make a statement on behalf of or for the University unless s/he has express prior authorization to do so. Students should contact the Student Affairs Office if they are approached by members of the press/media for comments.