What will happen to me if I do not possess a residence permit?
It is an offence not to possess a residence permit and a penalty will be applied to students who flout this directive.
I am an international student coming from a country without an embassy in Ghana, how do I obtain a Visa on arrival?
In order to facilitate the process of obtaining a visa on arrival, you will need to provide the Office of Student Affairs with the documents stated below, to present on your behalf at Ghana Immigration:
- A copy of the data page of your passport
- A copy of your Admission letter
- A copy of payment of school fees
- An introductory letter
As the University will provide your introductory letter, you will need to provide the University with the following details:
- Place of embarkation
- Date of arrival
- Duration of stay
- Purpose
- Accommodation details
You can apply for extension of the permit.